Dear Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk and Ian Brennan:
Exactly one year ago today, you created a song that has changed my life forever. The name of that song: Trouty Mouth.
It may seem strange to that this "seductive" song making fun of the mouth of one Sammy Evans could change someone's life. But let's take a look at the domain you're reading this on. Yes, has been a life changer, and it was all created due to the words in that silly, yet amazing, little song.
So how has this little website changed my life? Well for one, it's Glee related. And really, more than the website, Glee has changed my life.
It takes big issues- social issues, personal issues, school issues, family issues - and it brings awareness to a reality that affects 99% of the population in some way shape or form.
It's made me see the big picture, not just a portion of it. It's pretty genius if you ask me. But that's another letter for a different day. You don't need me telling you what geniuses you all are... I think you know that based on the accomplishments you've already achieved.
Secondly, it's made me want to write more. I've always loved writing. Telling stories, and telling them well is something that I've always wanted to do. And when you have all of these ideas in your head, it helps to just get them out on paper. Even if my writing doesn't go anywhere, at least I know I have this blog to give me an outlet to share some of my ideas... some of my stories. has also made me want to do more things. I went to Glee Live twice last year, and went to the private dress rehearsals in Vegas. In Vegas, I was so close to the action, and so close to the crew of people that made the tour happen... it was just a surreal experience. In Chicago, we met some of our followers. We met some people we follow. There's this whole, sort of, community of people, that have become our friends, just because we have one thing in common: Glee. It's pretty amazing. And in New York, we decided we wanted to go the night before we left. Bought our tickets at 7:30 pm Friday, flew out from St. Louis at 7:30 am Saturday after barely sleeping from a combination of excitement and tornados throughout the area. Then we took a car to the venue, hung out in the parking lot, bought floor seats to the 8 pm show, had the time of our life at the concert, took a cab all the way to Manhattan where we hung out in Times Square all night, then took a cab back to the airport and flew out at 8 am the next morning. It was the most fun, crazy and spontaneous thing I've ever done in my life. It pretty much made my entire summer. Why did we do this? Yes, the self-serving "this will be a blast, and we're 23 years old, so when will we have another opportunity to do this" excuse was a huge factor. But also because we wanted to talk about it. We know not everyone could see the concert, so we wanted to "report" it if you will to all that would listen. We wanted to share our stories.
Then there's the other things I want to do because we have people that read our blog, follow us, and trust in what we have to say. Social media, blogs, and the power of people can really go a long way. Thanks to Glee, and using as a medium to spread the word, I want to get more involved in anti-bullying programs, LGBT programs, and other charities that could really be helpful for young people going through hard struggles in their life.
It amazes me how much one thing, as simple as a TV show, can teach you about life. Even more than that, it amazes me how many people will listen to you if you just try to talk to them. The power of Glee is something that could change the lives of thousands and millions. Now... to a certain extent... the power of is something that we hope to use for good. Yes, TroutyMouth is all about the show - First Listen Fridays, Episode Gleecaps, Promos for upcoming weeks, and fun projects we're involved in - but moreso than that, we've established friends. People listen to us when we talk. If there's ever a day where can change the life of even one person (that's not us, since our lives have already been changed for the better), then that's something more powerful than I've ever even thought possible when we bought this silly little domain.
So all in all, I guess I have to say one big thank you to you, Ryan, Brad and Ian.
If it weren't for you guys creating this work of art and showing us that there's more to life than going to school, going to work, and going to sleep - that there's more to look forward to at every milestone in your life, and that everyone has struggles, and it's good to talk, and share, and help each other out every once in a while - I don't think I'd be as interested in keeping this blog going. I don't think I'd be as happy with what this blog has become. I don't think I'd promote the heck out of everywhere I go... just because I can.
Thank you for showing us that there's power in writing. There's power in sharing stories, especially when they're personal to you. Thank you for showing us that could be possible.
Thanks for establishing the most talented cast ever to be put on television. Thanks for establishing the hardest working crew to ever exist. And thank you for creating the craziest, most powerful fans on the planet. We have a blast being part of that family.
And most of all, thank you for ensuring that all I do is sit on my couch every Tuesday night and watch... and re-watch (Thanks DVR)... and re-watch Glee over and over and over again.
Peace. Love. And Glee,
Bonnie Kuhn & Whitney Pierce
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