Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Glee Season 3 DVD and Bluray Extras

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The Glee Season 3 DVD has finally been released. We both preordered it at Comic Con, so we were lucky enough to receive it today. So, we got the ditty on the dirty... little secret... extras? I don't know where I'm goin' with that. Anyways, here they are if you want them!

Disc 1:
- Glee Under the Stars
- "Ginger Supremacists" Extended Scene
- "Sue Flashback" Deleted Scene
- Glee Music Jukebox

Disc 2:
- Glee Music Jukebox
- "Santa Baby" Deleted Scene

Disc 3:
- Glee Music Jukebox
- Glee Give a Note

Disc 4:
- Glee Swap: Behind the Scenes of Props
- Meet the Newbies
- Saying Goodbye
- Ask Sue: World Domination Blog
- Return of Sue's Quips
- Glee Music Jukebox

Obviously Disc 4 extras are literally the first thing we watched. So we were obviously weeping by like 12:30 am today. #NormalBehavior

Anyways, we can't wait for your reactions! Plus... the 13th marked the 1 month countdown! Glee Season 4, here you come! :)

-Bonnie & Whitney

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