Dear Glee,
Yes, this letter is to GLEE... not JUST the cast, not JUST the writers, but to the whole big production.
I'm not one to write fan letters very often- hence why I'm summing this up in one letter to everyone, but I've never had a anything take over my life like Glee has. Okay, some might call me crazy, but I call me happy.
Not only is Glee fun to watch, but it's fun to write about, to talk about, to see live... It's more than just a show or a concert. It's an experience. An addicting one at that... seriously, like crack. All I want to do is watch Glee, listen to their music, and go to their concerts ALL.THE.TIME. It's my oasis. If I'm sad, Glee makes me happy. If you could experience something that makes you happy all the time, then why wouldn't you?
That's what Glee is for me. In a nut shell. An awesome experience that's led me to meet some awesome people, talk with some awesome people, meet the cast, see them live three times, go places I've never been before... All thanks to Glee. So, without further ado...
First of all, to the writers: I feel I must give credit where credit is due, and there would be no Glee without you. Ryan, Ian, Brad -- I would love nothing more than to sit and talk over a beer or glass of wine some day, and just take in your genius. I love to write, and I love to imagine things in my head. But to create something as epic as Glee has become, I'd love to just pick your brains and see how the three of you operate. It's literally genius. That's the only way I could describe it.
Thank you for taking an idea that was different than anything we've ever seen on TV, and fighting for it, even when people said that it would never work. Thank you for also creating storylines that incorporate 99.9% of America. If someone says that they cannot relate to Glee in some way shape or form, they are straight up lying. You three have incorporated the world into your show, and I think that's what people like about it so much. You all are brilliant, and I look forward to season 3 because of that.
To the crew:
Zach Woodlee, Adam Anders, Telly Kousakis, Dante Di Loreto and company -- Without you guys, the show really wouldn't happen. You can make dance routines, get the set in order, create mashups, make edits -- all of the crazy things that no body really wants to have to deal with, you guys put up with. I see those behind the Glees, and behind the scene interviews... I can only imagine how stressful your jobs are at times, but it's truly amazing what you guys do.
Now, for the cast:
Each one of you brings something special to the table. You're all so unique in your characters, yet everyone can relate to you in some way shape or form. I'd like to thank you all for, in the words of Kevin McHale, taking your craft seriously. You deliver flawless lines, with a certain kind of spirit that only you can provide. And on top of that, you are all SO talented.
I'd love for each one of you to create an album. It's amazing to me how each of your voices are all so different, yet in a duet or a group number, you can make it sound incredible.
Kevin: No one can do MJ like you can. I mean that seriously. The King of Pop would be proud the way you dance, and the way you get his "oohs and ahhs" down in PYT and Thriller. Not to mention you rap better than anyone in the cast. Oh, and your dance moves? I can't even take it. You're pretty fly for a white guy ;)
Naya: Your voice is seriously like heaven to my ears. You do Amy Winehouse better than Amy Winehouse. Seriously. I like her music, but I like it even better when you sing it. I can't wait for your album to come out because I can only imagine that it's going to be completely and totally flawless. The moment I heard you sing in Like a Virgin, I knew you'd have one of my favorite voices on the show. Oh, and your backups in Toxic? 'Nuff said.
Amber: Girl, I can't even. I LOVE when you hit those high notes -- you know the ones that make Naya cool you down in concert, and the ones where even Simon Cowell on the X-Factor doesn't know what to say. You leave people, particularly myself, completely speechless with the soul you bring to the table.
Jenna: You won us all over with True Colors. You have the most amazingly soothing voice I've ever heard in my life, and you can really sing anything. In all honesty, I had never heard of Lykee Li until you sang I Follow Rivers (which by the way, I have to listen to every single day), and you completely blew us out of the water. And of course Dog Days are Over... Girl, you just know how to take a song and make it your own.
Mark: Your voice is so versatile, I can't even deal. Who else can sing Sammy Davis Jr. in one episode, Queen in another, and then Jamie Foxx the next? I love it. I never know what you're going to sing, because you can literally sing anything. I especially love it when you rock out on the guitar. Looked REAL good live :)
Cory: I love your voice because it represents everyone who ever wants to be a singer, but like a hundred times better. You're so musically talented that you just know how to make us feel what the song is about. You can take a song like Having My Baby (one that I'm not particularly fond of by the way), and turn it into this heart wrenching song, that makes us just want to hug you after you sing it. You're amazing, inspirational, and you really know how to pull at the heartstrings of every single girl in the world!
Chris: Chris, no one can replicate your voice. It's literally one of a kind. You are epically talented and unique in your own way. You tell a story with your voice. I'll never, ever forget your Rose's Turn performance because it's just so intensely emotional and you deliver it flawlessly. You're flawless Mr. Colfer. It's truly amazing how much you bring to the show.
Chord: What can I saw about our one and only inspiration to this blog? You can rock the guitar, rock those golden locks, and make even Justin Beiber look good! (Yeah, our followers are going to hate me for that, but I don't have Beiber fever, I have Gleeber fever, thanks to you Chord!) And just as good as your voice and guitar playing is your impersonations! Seriously - a TRUE triple threat!
Ashley: Girl, I know what boys want... and they want you! You've given us all inspiration and confidence to go do what we want, and be who we are. And girl, you can rock! I saw you at the dress rehearsals in Vegas when you rocked the guitar like it was nobody else's business! A true inspiration!
Dianna: You and Lea seriously changed my perspective on a lot of things with the I Feel Pretty/Unpretty mashup. You really got to show case your funky side in the first season, and I really loved you in Rocky Horror. You transform yourself into the respective roles that you're supposed to play. You're truly talented. Oh... and you have amazing dance moves. I saw the "Behind the Stage Boogie" that Naya tweeted... you go girl!
Heather: Oh Heather. You are a flawless talent. No one can move the way you do. You tell stories in your dance moves. And your character transforms into this amazing dancer every time you dance on the show. It blows me away. Then add to that an amazing voice... Seriously, I believe you when you say that Britney herself said that you sounded just like her. No one can do Britney like you. You and Harry in Valerie: I have a hard time watching Naya sing that song better than Amy Winehouse, because you two are dancing around so amazingly... you're seriously epic!
Harry: Ok, I know I just said this to Heather... but no one can move the way you do either. What I really love is that you teach others to do what you do. LXD is truly one of the most unbelievable shows that I've ever seen. And for you to have a huge role in putting that show on, you should be incredibly proud of yourself. And Oh My Gosh... Your movin' around in Make 'Em Laugh. No one could compare. You take risks, and you're not afraid to showcase your moves. Can't stop watching you move in PYT and Valerie!
Darren: I really like how you perform. You don't just sing, you're a real performer. You're not afraid to take risks with the songs you sing, and it's really fun to watch. You know how to work the crowds. You've got mad skill, Blaine Warbler!
Warblers: Each one of you guys is a little somethin' special. From Riker, to Jon, to Curt, to Titus, to Telly... you all have your own roles that help make the Warblers the Warblers. And to this day, Silly Love Songs will be one of my all time favorite performances, both on the show and Live!
Lea: I had to save the best for last. True, raw talent. You don't need a show, or a stage, or a studio... you just need your voice. You tell stories with your voice. You make people feel what you're feeling when you sing. I could seriously listen to you all day. With that said, you are a star. Glee would not be the same without Rachel Berry. I will forever have Don't Rain on My Parade both from NY and from Las Vegas embedded in my head. Each time you sang that was different from the last, but it brought so much energy to the crowd. Left me with chills both times. I'm glad you haven't fallen and broken your talent... but I don't think we have to worry about that any time soon.
Now, after I have broken down each one of your incredible, raw talent, I finally have to just give you one big thank you. You each embrace the roles you play. You reach out to your fans. You teach us something every day. When I have kids, I'd rather them watch your show, and learn about acceptance, and self-awareness, and how to be humble, and how to deal with things... than watch 3/4ths of the smut that's out there.
You all really have no idea how big of a difference you have made in so many people's lives.
Oh, and in mine. Thanks to you, I've been to Vegas, Chicago, New York (for the first time ever, and got to walk through Times Square through the wee hours of the night- so crazy), met people at concerts, met some of you, got to give you guys gifts, talk to some awesome people, and create a website that a few hundred people see per day. It's really a gleeful experience.
So thank you for that.
I just got chills reading this, Bonnie. Amazing!
ReplyDeleteWELL SAID. On behalf of all of us, I endorse this letter! :)
ReplyDeletenice one bonnie!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the ♥ friends :)