It's March... that means it's time for new Glee song requests! Inspired by last week's BSB vs NSync mashoff, next week's Wannabe performance, course Emma Bunton hosting "I Heart Glee", and of course, being children of the 90s, this week's theme: 90s songs. BOOM.
If you don't love 90s music, you're lying to yourself. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the requests!
SONG: "Saturday Night Divas/If You Can't Dance" by The Spice Girls
WHO SINGS IT: Kurt, Rachel & Santana
SCENARIO: First of all, let's start with the disclaimer that Rachel and Kurt pushed Schue for a Spice Girls song in Season 2. And I just don't think it's fair that those two and Santana have to miss out on the glory that is Wannabe. So... New York. It's a perfect setting for a little Saturday Night Divas/If You Can't Dance mashup, right? Let's face it. They're in college. Kurt and Santana have already experiemented with their fake IDs. It's time for Rachel to pop her Fake ID cherry, and go out for a night on the town!
After Rachel and Brody break up, Kurt and Santana want to cheer her up. So, Rosario, Chaz, and Barbra Midler (subtle, Berry, real subtle), get into New York's hottest college bar for some fun, worry-free dancing... straight up Diva style. And if you can't dance, then you just can't do nothin' for them, baby... Coincidentally, all three of them find love after loss... at least for the time being at the dance club!
Rachel: If you can't dance, if you can't dance
Santana: Get down get deeper and down / Get down get deeper and down
Kurt: Saturday Night
Rachel: If you can't dance, if you can't dance,
All: If you can't dance to this you can't do nothing for me, baby.
Kurt: Now we got the flavour / The bad behavior / The rhythm the melody / The juice for you to savour
Santana: Rockin and vibin somebody is jivin / You need to take a tip, sort it out, get a grip
Rachel: Whenever I go out / Wherever it may be / There never is a keanu but a dweeb lookin at me
Kurt: But then even if I did score / He’s a loser in the dance floor / Take a deep breath count 1...
Santana: 2
Rachel: 3
Santana: Get down deeper and down, Get down get deeper and down.
Rachel: I'm not alone, now you're not in my mind / you were the victim of your crime / I left you behind
Kurt: Boy you were a fool, to treat me that way / Not going to let you, I'm going to forget you, there's nothing to say.
Santana: You're a twisted lover, kiss & telling on a superstar / That's what you are / Well it was Saturday night, I know the feeling was right,
I didn't know we'd get so far.
Rachel: If you can't dance, if you can't dance
Santana: Get down get deeper and down / Get down get deeper and down
Kurt: Saturday Night
Rachel: If you can't dance, if you can't dance,
All: If you can't dance to this you can't do nothing for me, baby.
SONG: "Follow You Down" by Gin Blossoms
SCENARIO: Finn is feeling down. After he beat up Brody, Rachel gets upset with him and makes him leave. She tells him to go back to Lima, and work on his teaching degree and doing something valuable with his life. Without a word, he walks out the door. Little does Rachel know, he stays at a hotel for a few days while he enrolls in college and works out the details of his move. It all makes sense, you know? His step-brother is there. Burt and his mom are always traveling. New York seems like the perfect place for him to go to college.
A few days later, he walks through the streets of New York in the rain searching for answers. Music starts, and he ends up at Rachel's apartment before the chorus is sung.
Did you see the sky
I think it means that we've been lost
Maybe one less time is all we need
I can't really help it if my tongue's all tied in knots
Jumping off a bridge, it's just the farthest that I've ever been
Anywhere you go, I'll follow you down
Anyplace but those I know by heart
Anywhere you go, I'll follow you down
I'll follow you down, but not that far
I know we're headed somewhere, I can see how far we've come
But still I can't remember anything
Let's not do the wrong thing and I'll swear it might be fun
It's a long way down when all the knots we've tied have come undone
Anywhere you go, I'll follow you down
Anyplace but those I know by heart
Anywhere you go, I'll follow you down
SONG: "I Love You, Always Forever" by Donna Lewis
WHO SINGS IT: Ryder and Jake
SCENARIO: This love triangle obviously has it's ups and downs. Does Jake love Marley? Does Ryder love Marley? Well, who does Marley love? Has Ryder moved on? Jake, you didn't?! .... Let's face it. This is a classic Joey, Dawson, Pacey moment, and it's going to last forever. Guess what... we're totes okay with it. Marley and Jake call it quits... at least for the time being. Ryder sees this as his opportunity to swoop in. But guess what? Jake wants her back, he doesn't want her to be with anyone else. Marley's take: She just wants to be an independent woman! #preachgirl. So, with that in mind, she goes about her day, but both boys tell her they'll wait for as long as it takes. Queue this stripped down 90s classic, sung by: ::gasp:: boys!
Jake: Feels like I'm standing in a timeless dream of light mists / Of pale amber rose / Feels like I'm lost in a deep cloud of heavenly scent touching / Discovering you.
Ryder: Those days of warm rains come rushing back to me / Miles of windless summer night air / Secret moments shared in the heat of the afternoon / Out of the stillness / Soft spoken words
Jake: I love you always forever / Near and far closer together
Ryder: Everywhere I will be with you / Everything I will do for you
Jake: Say you'll love love me forever / Never stop, never whatever / Near and far and always / And everywhere and everything
Ryder: Say you'll love love me forever / Never stop, never whatever / Near and far and always / And everywhere and everything
Both: Say you'll love love me forever / Never stop, never whatever / Near and far and always / And everywhere and everything
Ryder: I love you always forever / Near and far closer together
Jake: Everywhere I will be with you / Everything I will do for you
SONG: "You Ought to Know" by Alanis Morrisette
WHO SINGS IT: Brittany
SCENARIO: Brittany found out about the Quintana hook up at the wedding, and boy is she pissed. She and Sam broke up, and in a conversation with Artie about going to visit Santana, Artie tells her that Quintana happened. And, because all the Glee kids are doing it, she shows up at the Bushwick apartment... right around dinner time or so... to tell Santana exactly how she feels about the situation. Racy, maybe? But it's in the 9:00 time slot people!
I want you to know, that I'm happy for you
I wish nothing but the best for you both
Did you forget about me Mrs. Duplicity
I hate to bug you in the middle of dinner
It was a slap in the face how quickly I was replaced
Were you thinking of me when you did her?
'cause the love that you gave that we made wasn't able
To make it enough for you to be open wide, no
And every time you speak her name
Does she know how you told me you'd hold me
Until you died, til you died
But you're still alive
And I'm here to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You, you, you oughta know
'cause the joke that you laid on the bed that was me
And I'm not gonna fade
As soon as you close your eyes and you know it
And every time I scratch my nails down someone else's back
I hope you feel it...well can you feel it
Well, I'm here to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You, you, you oughta know
SONG: "Damaged" - TLC
WHO SINGS IT: Rachel with Finn
SCENARIO: Rachel is sad. She's sad because she found out Brody was a mega-douche-jigalo. She's sad because she doesn't know what she wants with Finn. She's sad because she's so far away from home, and so far away from her dads. So... Instead of starting her morning routine at 5:30 with a work out and luke warm water, in a completely anti-Rachel Berry-like manner, she rolls out of bed at 10:30, goes into the bathroom, looks at her sluggish-self in the mirror, and really sings this song to herself.
At the end of the song, you spot Finn in the mirror looking at her, and the last part of the song is sung to/with him.
Rachel: I know I'm kinda strange, to you sometimes
Don't always say, what's on my mind
You know that I've been hurt, by some guy
But I don't wanna mess up this time
And I really really really care
And I really really really want you
And I think I'm kinda scared
Cos I don't want to lose you
If you really really really care
Then maybe you can hang through
I hope you understand
It's nothing to you
My heart's at a low
I'm so much to manage
I think you should know that
I've been damaged
I'm falling in love
There's one disadvantage
I think you should know that I've been damaged
I might look through your stuff, for what I don't wanna find
Or I might just set you up, to see if you're all mine
I'm a little paranoid, from what I've been through
Don't know what you got yourself into
And I really really really care
Finn:(and I care about you so much)
Rachel: And I really really really want you
Finn: (I really do want you)
Rachel: And I think I'm kinda scared
Finn: (but I'm scared with every touch)
Rachel: Cos I don't want to lose you
Finn: (cos I don't want to lose you)
Rachel: If you really really really care
Finn: (I really care like I say)
Rachel: Then maybe you can hang through
Finn: (I know I can hang through)
Rachel: I hope you understand
Finn: (I will understand)
Rachel: It's nothing to you
Finn: (it's nothing to me, me)
Rachel: My heart's at a low (low)
I'm so much to manage
I think you should know that (I think you should know)
I've been damaged
I'm falling in love (I'm falling in love)
There's one disadvantage
I think you should know that I've been damaged (I think you should know that)
And because we can't get enough of the 90s, and there are far too many songs... and we just couldn't pass up this opportunity... SONG BONUS! Inspired by you guys!
SONG: "Come to My Window" - Melissa Ethridge
WHO SINGS IT: Santana with Brittany
SCENARIO: Santana is really hurt by Brittany's reaction to Quinntana. And she feels really guilty. After all, she is the one that broke up with Brittany in the first place. She wants to make things right, so with all the money she's made from her job working at Coyote Ugly, she hops on the red eye back to Lima.
Flash to Brittany's bedroom, where a scorned Brittany is laying on her bed in the middle of the night. She can't sleep at all. All the sudden, you hear rocks hitting her window. Brittany sits up thinking it's Lord Tubbington trying to sneak out for a gang meeting. When he's nowhere to be seen, she realizes it's coming from the window. The music starts playing, she opens the window, and there's Santana ready to sing the duet they never got to sing.
As the song progresses, Santana crawls through Britt's window. By the last chorus, Santana crawls into bed with Brittany as Brittany falls asleep in her arms.
Santana: Come to my window
Crawl inside, wait by the light
Of the moon
Come to my window
I'll be home soon
I would dial the numbers
Just to listen to your breath
I would stand inside my hell
And hold the hand of death
You don't know how far I'd go
To ease this precious ache
You don't know how much I'd give
Or how much I can take
Just to reach you
Just to reach you
Just to reach you
Come to my window
Crawl inside, wait by the light
Of the moon
Come to my window
I'll be home soon
Brittany: I don't care what they think
I don't care what they say
What do they know about this
Love anyway
Santana: Come, come to my window
I'll be home
I'll be home
I'll be home
I'm coming home!
Come to my window,
Crawl inside, wait by the light
Of the moon
Come to my window
I'll be home soon
What do you think? Let us know what songs YOU'D choose in your Glee song requests, and maybe we'll incorporate them into next month's edition! Leave comments below or hit us up on Twitter: @TroutyMouthBlog!
If you haven't seen our other Glee Song Requests, check out Volume 1 and Volume 2!
-Bonnie & Whitney
How about Oasis "wonderwall" Finn could sing it to rachel :)