I know it's a little bit late, but here's our Glee Song Request for April!
This week's theme: Solos!(ish)... At least songs mainly sung by one person... Whatever! We tried. Here we go - sit back, relax, and enjoy our thoughts!
SONG: "This Used to Be My Playground" by Madonna
SCENARIO: Quinn comes back to McKinley for the young'ns graduation. While there, they have a small reunion in the choir room. She announces to everyone then that her mom is moving to Connecticut to be closer to her. Her dad remarried and moved away, so there's really nothing left for her in Ohio. All of the old New Directions realize that everyone's growing up and some people have to move on. She and her friends cheers to the good times at McKinley and walk out of the choir room doors. Quinn is the last to leave, and as she looks back, she sees a flashback of her and all of her friends laughing in the choir room. The music begins and she turns off the lights.
As she proceeds down the hall she peeks into Sue's office, into the gym, and proceed out to the back field, all the while reminiscing about times at McKinley, where we'll see a montage of old scenes from Seasons 1-3.
This used to be my playground (used to be)
This used to be my childhood dream
This used to be the place I ran to
Whenever I was in need
Of a friend
Why did it have to end
And why do they always say
Don't look back
Keep your head held high
Don't ask them why
Because life is short
And before you know
You're feeling old
And your heart is breaking
Don't hold on to the past
This used to be my playground (used to be)
This used to be my childhood dream
This used to be the place I ran to
Whenever I was in need
Of a friend
Why did it have to end
And why do they always say
This used to be our playground (used to be)
This used to be our childhood dream
This used to be the place we ran to
I wish you were standing here with me
SONG: "Thrift Shop" by Macklemore
SCENARIO: Sam and Brittany break up. The boys rally together to help cheer him up. Blaine says that shopping always makes him feel better. Since Blaine and Sam are BFF, Sam thinks that's an excellent idea. But because he's in high school, his parents are still struggling a little bit and he doesn't have time for a job with school and Glee club, he can't afford shopping. Teen Jesus steps in and announces that he buys all of his clothes from thrift shops, and suggests they start there. They get up to leave, and the scene immediately changes to a thrift shop floor where they're all walking around looking for clothes -- all the while Sam's rapping to "Thrift Shop".
Blaine:I'm gonna pop some tags
Only got twenty dollars in my pocket
I-I-I'm huntin'
Lookin' for a come up
This is really awesome
Walk into the club like what up I'm a big shot
I'm so pumped I bought some stuff from a thrift shop
Ice in the fringe is so damn frosty
The people like "Damn, that's a cold ass honkey!"
Rollin'in hella deep headed to the mezanine
Dressed in all pink 'cept my gator shoes those are green
Draped in a leopard mink girls standin' next to me
Probably shoulda washed this, it smells like R. Kelly's sheets-
Artie: Shhhhhhh!
Ryder:But shoot it was 99 cents!
Sam:If I get caught in it, washin' it,
'Bout to go and get some compliments
Passin' off on those moccasins
Someone else has been walkin' in but me and grungie shop em in
I am stuck in ya closet
Savin' my money and I'm hella happy that's a bargain trick
I'mma take your grandpa's style, I'mma take your grandpa's style,
No for real, ask your grandpa can I have his hand-me-downs?
Velour jump suit and some house slippers
Doukie brown leather jacket that I found diggin'
They had a broken keyboard I bought a broken keyboard
I bought a skeet blanket and then I bought a kneeboard
Hello hello my ace man my mello
John Wayne ain't got nothin' on my fringe game
Hell no
I can take some pro wings make em cool sell those
The sneaker heads will be like
"Ahhh, he got the velcro."
Blaine:I'm gonna pop some tags
Only got twenty dollars in my pocket
I-I-I'm huntin'
Lookin' for a come up
This is really awesome
I'm gonna pop some tags
Only got twenty dollars in my pocket
I-I-I'm huntin'
Lookin' for a come up
This is really awesome
SONG: "The Rose" by Bette Midler
SCENARIO: Rachel just finished her Spring semester. She and Kurt have a long conversation about Summer plans. Rachel tells Kurt that she was going home to Lima for the summer. Her plan is to surprise Finn. She's been able to find herself and follow her dreams, he's been able to grow up, and now she's ready to commit to him. When Kurt expresses some concern, she replies "Relationships are a lot like flowers. If you find the right seed, put it in good soil, give it water and sunlight, bam. Perfect bud. And then comes winter and the flower dies. But if you tend that garden, spring will come along and that flower will bloom again."
Some say love, it is a river
That drowns the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed.
Some say love, it is a hunger,
An endless aching need.
I say love, it is a flower,
And you its only seed.
It's the heart afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance.
It's the dream afraid of waking
That never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
Who cannot seem to give,
And the soul afraid of dyin'
That never learns to live.
When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long,
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong,
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed that with the sun's love
In the spring becomes the rose.
SONG: "Clown" by Emeli Sande
WHO SINGS IT: Brittany
SCENARIO: Brittany was accepted to MIT and her parents are making her attend next semester. But she's scared because she knows she doesn't do well in school. When Santana comes back to help her through this decision, Brittany tells her that she thinks she'd "rather just go to clown college than regular college because all clowns accept each other for all of their quirks, no matter what they are, no matter how smart or how stupid they are." When Santana assures her that she really is a genius and she'll do just fine in "regular" college, Brittany starts crying. She replies knowing she'll do fine in college, but she doesn't think MIT is right for her. And she doesn't know how to approach her parents. Queue the music and flash to Brittany singing in the choir room to the Glee club.
I guess it's funnier from where you're standing
'Cause from over here I've missed the joke
Cleared the way for my crash landing
I've done it again, another number for before your notes
I'd be smiling if I wasn't so desperate
I'd be patient if I had the time
I could stop and answer all of your questions
As soon as I find out how I could move from the back of the line
So I'll be your clown
Behind the glass
Go 'head and laugh 'cause it's funny
I would too if I saw me
I'll be your clown
On your favorite channel
My life's a circus-circus round in circles
I'm selling out tonight
From a distance my choice is simple
From a distance I can entertain
So you can see me I put makeup on my face
But there's no way you can feel it
From so far away
So I'll be your clown
Behind the glass
Go 'head and laugh 'cause it's funny
I would too if I saw me
I'll be your clown
On your favorite channel
My life's a circus-circus round in circles
I'm selling out tonight
SONG: "Gold" - Britt Nicole
SCENARIO: The Glee Club just got back from Regionals, and it turns out they came in a close second place, right behind the Hoosier Daddies. It's the last day of classes and everyone in Glee club is upset. Marley stands up to remind them all of the wonderful year they had and how far they've come. She reminds them that they helped her through a really dark time in her life-- even if someone within the club was responsible. She reminds them that they made it through the scary possible shooting together. And she reminds them of all the fun they had preparing for the wedding and preparing for competition. She reminds them that she's made friends with people in the club that she'd never be friends with if it hadn't been for Glee. She tells them that this club, even if they hadn't won, it's gold. THEY'RE gold.
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
You were walking on the moon, now you're feeling low
What they said wasn't true, you're beautiful
Sticks and stones break your bones, I know what you're feeling
Words like those won't steal your glow, you're one in a million
This, this is for all the girls, boys all over the world
Whatever you've been told, you're worth more than gold
So hold your head up high, it's your time to shine
From the inside out it shows, you're worth more than gold
(Gold gold, you're gold)
You're worth more than gold
(Gold gold, you're gold)
So don't let anybody tell you that you're not loved
And don't let anybody tell you that you're not enough
Yeah there are days when we all feel like we're messed up
But the truth is that we're all diamonds in the rough
So don't be ashamed to wear your crown
You're a king you're a queen inside and out
You glow like the moon, you shine like the stars
This is for you, wherever you are
Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, oh, oh,
You're gold
This, this is for all the girls, boys all over the world
Whatever you've been told, you're worth more than gold
(So hold your head up) So hold your head up high,
It's your time to shine
From the inside out it shows, you're worth more than gold
(Your golden, you're gold)
You're worth more than gold
(Your golden, you're gold)
So don't be ashamed to wear your crown
You're a king you're a queen inside and out
What do you think? Let us know what songs YOU'D choose in your Glee song requests, and maybe we'll incorporate them into next month's edition! Leave comments below or hit us up on Twitter: @TroutyMouthBlog!
If you haven't seen our other Glee Song Requests, check out Volume 1, Volume 2 and Volume 3!
-Bonnie & Whitney
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