You've heard us talk about it, but now we're finally launching it! Today, we explain the rules of the ticket giveaway to see Jeff Goldblum in Seminar on Broadway!
Just to give you something to look forward to for... well 1/7 weeks of the winter hiatus, we're doing a week long 7-Day Jeff Goldblum Challenge. Show us your knowledge of Jeff Goldblum by answering a daily question about him for an entry. Here's how it works:
Each day we will ask a Jeff Goldblum trivia question, and any person that answers the question correctly would be entered into the contest. Each participant is eligible for 7 entries, so long as their trivia answers are correct.
We would blast the contest out through Twitter & through our blog so that we could cover all media bases. Additionally, the one-week timeline allows people to have multiple opportunities to win, a chance for people to tell their friends, and for those who may miss a day to still be eligible for the tickets, since this is such a great giveaway.
Simply come to this blog every day, to see the question (or follow us on Twitter @TroutyMouthBlog where we will tweet the question out each day). Then answer the question either in the comments below or by tweeting the answer at us using the hash tag: #GoldblumInSeminar.
We will compile a list of the eligible entries and choose the winner from a random number generator.
Only one entry per day. We will only take your first answer, so make sure you study up!
We ask each question at 12 pm ET (11 am CST), starting tomorrow until next Tuesday. We will announce the randomly drawn winner at 8 pm ET (7 pm CST) next Tuesday 2/28.
If you have any questions, just ask us! Good luck!
-Bonnie & Whitney
*Disclaimer: Vouchers will only cover the cost of ticket prices. If you are not located in New York, traveling arrangements must be made by the winner. Vouchers are valid for any one show between April 3-8
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